[[O]pponents can’t just wrong about things—they must have evil intent too. Hence, gays are trying to destroy the family; feminists hate men; liberals want everyone’s hunting rifles and so forth.After college, Mickelson recounts, she thought she was done with fundies, that is, until she started working on education reform and studying “teacher unionists.” And there she was, back with the fundies. She lists the qualities that fundamental religious leaders and union leaders have in common. Read her annotations, but here’s her basic list:
And yes, I know. Comparing the teachers’ unions to Christian fundamentalists is pure heresy among Democrats. Which is why I spent years trying to ignore the similarities. I was so committed to the idea that my political tribe should be fundie-proof.
But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….If the teacher’s union frames issues like fundies; if it demonizes foes, denies data and tries to disenfranchise people like fundies….well, the union is certainlyacting like a fundamentalist movement. And even though the union operates on the left side of the political spectrum, it’s getting very similar results to what’s happened on the Republican side.Indeed, we hear these quacks from the California to the New York island as school choice advocates are demonized; higher standards and assessments are characterized like a denoument from the “Walking Dead”; data that contradicts perceived notions is dismissed; the benefits of maintaining tradition outweighs innovations that benefit poor minority students; and the loudest quackers are white and well-to-do.
Labels: accountability, AFT, NEA, school choice