About That $15 Million That NJEA Spent on Anti-PARCC Propaganda To Fight "The Corporate Reform Agenda"

From today's NJ Spotlight on New Jersey's first year of value-added teacher evaluations, which rated 97% of teachers and principals "effective" or "highly effective":
The majority of teachers’ ratings are still based on classroom observations, the time-tested practice of a supervisor watching a teacher in action and judging whether he or she is meeting specific expectations. 
As in previous years, supervisors typically gave teachers positive ratings. For instance, 87 percent of supervisors awarded teachers a 3.0 or better on the four-point scale. 
The report also looked at the frequency of classroom observations, and found teachers getting more supervisor visits and more feedback than ever. Meanwhile, supervisors are finding observations less time-consuming than first feared. 
But the state’s report also pointed out inconsistencies, such as when supervisors weren’t using the full measurement tool for teachers, only scoring them on some of the required fields.

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