"The Importance of Teacher Attendance" (in Newark and elsewhere)

Speaking of teacher effectiveness, the National Council on Teacher Quality released a report today called “Roll Call: The Importance of Teacher Attendance.” NCTQ analyzed 2012-2013  school data from 40 of the largest urban school districts in the country, including Newark Public Schools, for trends and correlations.  From the report’s Executive Summary:
Among Newark’s 2,879 teachers, the average annual absence rate was 94.11%, about on par with the other districts studied. 9.69% of Newark’s teachers had an “excellent attendance rate,” defined as missing no more than 3 days per year. 43.63% missed 4-10 days per year, which NCTQ regards as “moderate attendance.” 30.05% missed 11-17 days during the 2012-2013 years, qualifying as “frequently absent,” and 16.64% of Newark's teachers were “chronically absent,” missing 18 or more days during that year.

See coverage today from the Wall Street Journal and Huffington Post.
